Student jobs in online communication and support (S, N, FI)

Denne annonce er udl�bet
Denne annonce er hentet fra jobarkivet p�
Bem�rk, at annoncen er udl�bet og virksomheden derfor sandsynligvis ikke l�ngere modtager ans�gninger.

Job beskrivelse:
Are you interested in working in a fast-growing company with a huge international potential? Do you communicate fluently in Swedish, Norwegian or Finnish? Do you want to walk the walk and not just talk the talk?

We are looking for student workers, who are interested in managing communication/marketing and customer support in Sweden, Norway or Finland.

It is not a demand that the person is studying communication/marketing, but it is a demand that the person can write/talk the language fluently.

The job offers a lot of responsibility and a chance to use your skills, in a way that most companies can�t offer.

We love people who think outside the box and want to challenge the status quo.

Nabby is a start-up company that has developed the next generation of baby monitors.
The product has been launched in Denmark and we are currently expanding to Scandinavia.

We are small now but have large ambitions � do you want to challenge the world with us?

If you want to know more please contact Anders Vesterborg at 25319154 or write a mail to: [email protected]

Skriv venligst i din ans�gning, at du s� annoncen p�


Antal timer:
Kontakt person:

Porcel�nshaven 26, 2000
130 Kr. /Timen
10-15 Pr. uge
Anders Vesterborg
[email protected]
Tilf�jet: 04-10-2013