Danish Customer Service Representative in int. Travel Company in Cape Town, South Africa

Denne annonce er udl�bet
Denne annonce er hentet fra jobarkivet p� studiezone.dk.
Bem�rk, at annoncen er udl�bet og virksomheden derfor sandsynligvis ikke l�ngere modtager ans�gninger.

Job beskrivelse:
If you are a Danish speaker and have experience in a customer service environment, join this forward thinking, international company based in Cape Town, South Africa! You do not need a visa, as they will fund this for you, and even offer you free accommodation for 3 months whilst you find your feet in this awesome city!

You will be working closely with other young foreign nationals, speaking German, French, Italian, Greek, Norwegian, Swedish, Spanish and a whole host of other languages. You will be communicating with this company�s customers, mostly via online chat, but also over the telephone. The atmosphere is informal and friendly � no suit and tie here!

All you need to apply for this position and get this job is a Danish language skill, as well as knowledge of your native country and customer service experience. This job will give you the opportunity to live in Cape Town for as long as you want � enjoy the beaches, mountains, and the great night life that this amazing city has to offer!

Apply today with an up to date CV to [email protected]

Skriv venligst i din ans�gning, at du s� annoncen p� studiezone.dk


Antal timer:
Kontakt person:

Language Recruiters
35 Rose Street, 8002
R12 000 - R15 000 Kr. /Timen
40 Pr. uge
[email protected]
Tilf�jet: 02-09-2013